Wednesday 27 May 2015

Alan Aragon Seminar Overview

As some of you may have seen Alan Aragon is in Australia at the moment. Just this past weekend he presented at a seminar in Sydney and I was lucky enough to attend.

The event was held at the Museum of Sydney which was a nice location in the CBD to hold the talks. We arrived at 8.30 am to register and get our seats for a 9 am start. Large numbers of fitness industry professionals and nutrition experts were in attendance (I'm not sure how many but the room was more or less full, so I estimate around 50 people). Beforehand I bumped into Alan in the lobby and the first thing he said was "I thought I was going to be bigger than you!" lol!

Lectures kicked off at 9 am beginning with a crash course in science literacy. Alan spoke about the spectrum of evidence ranging from unscientific anecdote to higher levels of scientific evidence. He also went into detail about the different types of scientific studies and review methods that exist. I think this was a good way to kick off the talks because it laid a basis for everything else he was going to talk about and gave a general, conceptual understanding of the scientific method.

Alan getting ready to drop some science

After that Alan got into the meat of his talks covering the scientific evidence in regards to various topics and the conclusions we can draw from that evidence. I don't want to go into too much detail about these topics or give too much away because it would be unfair to Alan, the event promoters and all the people who paid good money to attend the seminar. However I will say that the seminar was largely focused on nutrition with some mention of training and other topics. There was also ample opportunities for people to ask Alan questions.

I want to also talk about Alan's ability to speak. He really is a very good presenter. I'd put him up there with Eric Helms in ability to convey what he wants to say clearly and in a way that the audience can understand. It says to me not only that he is an accomplished public speaker but that he really knows his shit! Additionally Alan includes a fair bit of humor (dat trolling) in his talks which I think was a nice touch because it just made the day more enjoyable for everyone.

Outside of the lecture room Alan is a very approachable, genuine and easy going guy. Just easy to get along with and talk to. He stayed behind to take photos with and speak to each of us at the end of the day. We even caught him by coincidence for a drink at Opera Bar later in the evening, lol.

Epic Bro Fist

Getting completely out-angled by Alan

The event itself was well run. We were welcomed at the entrance by Jill and Charlotte of Two Buff Girls at the beginning of the day when we checked in, the location was easily accessible and comfortable, we received gift bags from the sponsors Bulk Nutrients and during the day we were provided with breaks to forage for some paleo snacks and so out brains didn't get over trained from all the science sir Aragorn was dropping. I'd like to express a warm thankyou to Jill and Charlotte from Two Buff Girls ( for putting on the event so that all us Sydney-siders could learn from Alan. Looking forward to future events hosted by Two Buff Girls.

Also a thankyou to Alan for coming out all the way to Australia to present for us. No doubt we all learned a lot and for me it was a great experience meeting you outside of the interwebz :)

There are limited tickets still available for the Melbourne seminar this weekend and they are available at:

Alan also does a monthly research review, the Alan Aragon research review (AARR) which you can subscribe to right here ->

Thanks for reading guys. Remember you can get in touch with me or follow me via the following avenues. Coaching inquiries are best directed directly to email.

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- Evan

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