Thursday 25 September 2014

Contest Prep Week 26

The Week in Review

This week has gone by fast. It's been business as usual with work and prep keeping me busy. We are now just over 5 weeks until my first professional show and 7 weeks until it's all done and dusted at the World Championships. I won't know what to do with myself when it's all finished.

The Discovery of Caffeine

As I've noted previously I have been pretty low on energy over the past month or so simply because it's that grindy time of prep. I've been able to mitigate this somewhat by having a decent pre workout meal. Still I found I was dying about half way through my workout and losing energy. I've never been a real coffee drinker (I could count the number of coffees I've had in my life time on one hand), I don't drink a large amount of soft drinks and I've never once taken a pre workout. So I guess you could say I don't have a high tolerance to caffeine and I've really been able to use this to my advantage. Last Saturday I thought I might try having a coffee just before I worked out and I noticed a big difference in energy levels and performance (I actually quite enjoyed the taste too which surprised me as it was instant coffee). Since then I've been drinking a black coffee pre workout and I've actually had energy during my training sessions. This will continue to be a staple for the remainder of my contest prep.


We didn't make any changes to my macros last week. Everything is coming along smoothly and I'm slowly shedding a bit more fat. Interestingly my weight has actually come up a little after increasing protein a few weeks back. At the same time I'm getting leaner. Go figure.

This week I've more or less kept my diet constant with a few minor adjustments. I've increased my vegetable intake a little to increase food volume.  I've also been giving baked beans a whirl as they are low in fat, a good source of protein and carbs are pretty reasonable. Inb4 baked bean jokes.

Pictured Above: Kangaroo sausages, toast, walden farms BBQ sauce and baked beans on the side


I believe I am slightly leaner this week. Lines are becoming more visible in my quads and hamstrings. As you can see I have received my posing trunks which I ordered from Jagware. I was worried the trunks were a bit ..ahem small but having taken photos in them they seem to be about right for posing trunks.

That's it from me for the week. Thankyou for the ongoing support. It is always much appreciated.

Remember you can contact me at Muscle Academy for coaching (contest preparation, off season, general weight loss, nutrition, training):

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Instagram and Twitter - @evansoooon


- Evan

Monday 22 September 2014

Bodybuilding vs Powerlifting

What Will Be Covered

This post has been coming for a while but I think it's something that needs to be written. I intend to cover a variety of issues in this post including: the rising popularity of powerlifting, differences/similarities and why you would/would not choose to embrace powerlifting.

Powerlifting Gaining Momentum

Powerlifting has been gaining popularity in recent times for a variety of reasons (particularly amongst natural lifters). The reasons are as follows in my opinion:

- Some of the best natural bodybuilders and coaches out there who have large followings have been getting into powerlifting or have been doing it for a long while and promoting/popularising it.
- Sometimes bodybuilders will come out of the tail end of a contest prep and decide that either they would like to try their hand at powerlifting or that they need something to focus on in the off season and powerlifting is just the ticket.
- Some bodybuilders tend to believe that powerlifting is the secret to building a bigger, better physique.
- Some people who do/have done both bodybuilding and powerlifting will tell you that they think bodybuilding is a sport which has a fairly negative community attitude and that powerlifters tend to display more comradery and positivity towards one another.
- For some people lifting heavy shit is fun.

I suppose since powelifting appears to be becoming more popular we have to ask ourselves the question - is bodybuilding on the decline? I think there are people who have moved from bodybuilding more into the powerlifting community that would tell you that it is. But I really think that the answer is no it isn't. Bodybuilding is as popular as ever and with the newer divisions that have emerged over the recent years I think it is encouraging more and more people who would have otherwise never considered bodybuilding as such in a competitive sense to get involved in the physique based sport.

Are They Really That Different?

So are bodybuilding and powerlifting really different things? Should they be viewed as separate? I suppose the answer is "yes and no". There are some differences in terms of the ultimate goals and training focuses. Obviously with powerlifting the goal is to lift as much weight as possible at a meet for a single repetition in the squat, bench press and deadlift whereas in a competitive sense with bodybuilding the goal is to present maximal, proportionate and symmetrical muscle mass, with low levels of body fat on stage.

The focuses with training will tend to be on the lower end of the rep range for powerlifters and generally a little higher for most bodybuilders simply because each is more specific to the goals of either strength or hypertrophy. However that is not to say that bodybuilders cannot utilise lower rep ranges or that powerlifters cannot train in higher rep ranges. This certainly is common practice. However I use the phrase "training focus" because it depicts the tendency for powerlifters to focus on lower reps/heavier weight and bodybuilders to focus on moderate or higher rep ranges with lower percentages of load.

Some of the other differences can be found in overall program design and application: amount, type and variety of accessory work performed, technique eg low bar squat vs high bar squat, equipment used (referring to both assistance equipment that equipped powerlifters use to assist in their lifts and also tools that powerlifters typically use in some contexts to improve weak parts of a lift). Now I want to emphasise that none of these things are strict hard and fast rules. They more refer to tendencies or areas that either bodybuilders or powerlifters often focus on in regards to training. It is of course somewhat of a continuum with blurred lines as to where bodybuilding training ends and powerlifting training begins. After all we are all just lifting stuff up and putting it back down again in a gradually progressive fashion.

Why Choose Powerlifting

1. You have a passion for it

I think this is probably the single most important factor. You simply love lifting heavy weights (squat, bench, deadlift) and you are in love with the idea of getting as strong as possible (either recreationally for personal goals or competitively at a meet). Just like anything you want to be successful at you must have unbridled passion for it.

2. Support and Comradery

I think there is truly something to the notion that powerlifting fosters a more supportive environment than does bodybuilding in a general sense. There is more comradery because it is about performance (which people want to see others succeed at) and less about body image (which people can get jealous about). However I do believe that this has become something that is over hyped and only applies generally and not specifically. Whilst there is plenty of negativity in the bodybuilding industry, there is also plenty of positivity and support. I know that amongst my networks as a bodybuilder I have experienced both (though I tend to surround myself and associate myself with positive people for the most part). As a bodybuilder you have to be willing to take the good with the bad and if you are not willing to have the bad as part of your life then powerlifting may be something to consider. I will also say that anything that is competitive is going to have some degree of negativity and jealousy involved with it as that is the nature of competitiveness. Certainly powerlifting is not exempt from this. Negativity will always exist if you seek it out.

3. Powerlifting Interests You

This one is more along the lines of - you've never tried powerlifting and are unsure about it but it is something that has sparked your interest and you'd like to get involved in. In this case by all means try it (whether competitive or not). There is absolutely nothing wrong with trying new things if you genuinely have some interest in them.

4. Nutrition

If adhering to a strict diet is not your thing and you prefer to eat all the foods then powerlifting may be a good option for you to choose (or perhaps you are just in the off season between shows and don't want to obsess over your diet too much whilst gaining muscle). This is not to say that you may not have to stay within or close to a weight category, cut body weight for a meet or that you cannot track your nutritional intake with as much discipline and strictness as you desire if you are a powerlifter. It is just to point out that powerlifters typically have less of a focus on body composition and more of a focus on performance. It doesn't mean you can't have both.

5. Strength and performance is more of a priority than aesthetic qualities and physique related goals

If you want to be a powerlifter then you better have a desire to get stronger. After all lifting as much weight as possible is what the sport is all about and at a meet it is what you are judged on. I want to point out that having a great physique and lifting a lot of weight are not mutually exclusive goals. Can you do both? Yes! Look at Dan Green for example. There is quite a bit of overlap between strength and hypertrophy but where your priorities lie are going to determine where and how you develop the most.

6. You like facts and numbers

This is a fairly big attractor for powerlifters (especially those transitioning from bodybuilding to powerlifting because of the contrast in terms of objectivity). The fact is powerlifting is a lot more objective and fact oriented than is bodybuilding (in a competitive/judging sense). In powerlifting you either make the lift or you miss it. Of course there is some interpretation involved by the judges as to whether the lift was acceptable in terms of the rules and regulations which dictate how it should be done. But that is about as subjective as it gets. Bodybuilding of course is a much more subjective sport where each judge on the panel may have a very different opinion about the competitors physiques. Simply put there it's not always very clear cut. Additionally biases, corruption and politics are more likely to creep their way into competitive bodybuilding as it is a subjectively judged sport.

7. You want to build a base for your physique

If you are in that beginner to intermediate phase of training then this point is for you. There is an argument that you may put more of an emphasis on the big three lifts so as to build a base (after all the big lifts are going to help with development of the major muscle groups). I think this one could really be argued either way. If you are truly beginning (as in you've never lifted before) then you probably are going to be quite challenged just using some basic equipment such as machines, developing the neuromuscular pathways and motor control required to develop correct technique. You will also have to contend with quite a bit of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Lifting very heavy weights on exercises that have a higher than average risk to reward ratio (particularly without professional instruction) may not be the best idea if you are a beginner. At least not until you develop sound technique. If you are an intermediate and have your technique down pat then I think by all means it would be advantageous to utilise a powerlifting focused routine to develop a good base to then build upon further for the purposes of bodybuilding and physique development. This is of course not to say that the same could not be achieved by simply focusing on these movements in more "hypertrophy oriented" rep ranges (or a variety of other movements) for the same purpose. This one as I said is kind of up in the air and can be approached from a variety of angles.

Why Not to Choose Powerlifting

1. Inability to set physique goals

Scenario: A bodybuilder has been preparing for 6 months for a contest and comes out of the prep wrecked, sick and tired of focusing on nutrition and since the show they have been focusing heavily on is now over kind of "lost" in terms of what to do next. This person thinks to him/herself "I think I'll give powerlifting a shot!". Now how commonly have you seen that happen? Pretty damn often I'd say! Whilst there is nothing wrong with doing this, I have to question how well did that person reassess their own goals? If you are a bodybuilder who is passionate about building a better physique wouldn't you analyse which muscle groups and areas of your physique are lacking and get to work on improving them? As a bodybuilder it seems like a no brainer to me.

If I may make an analogy if you are a soccer player and you get to the end of the season do you then take up rugby league in the off season to help yourself develop as a soccer player? Of course not! You apply specificity and practice soccer related skills that will help you improve most in your chosen sport. Could there be some carry over from rugby league to soccer? Sure there could. But you'd be better off actually practicing soccer if you are a soccer player. I get the impression that more and more people are turning to powerlifting because they are incapable of setting specific goals related directly to their physique.

2. Using powerlifting specifically as a means to improve your physique without critical thought

This is heavily related to the previous point. Squats, bench press and deadlifts are highly beneficial movements that will benefit your physique. They will. Lifting heavy weights will also undoubtedly benefit your physique in terms of both direct hypertrophy and theoretically strength potential carryover to hypertrophy rep ranges. However the point I want to push home is that if you are primarily a bodybuilder and concerned with developing your physique you really have to think about what areas you want to develop. Is powerlifting going to be the answer to develop those areas? Could you train differently to more effectively build muscle in specific areas that need them? Typically I see people post photos on social media with the sarcastic caption "powerlifting ruined my physique". Indeed it may be true that powerlifting does not ruin physiques, in fact it probably improves them in many cases (specific to the muscle groups involved in the lifts). However I advise that you program your training specific to your own goals. You need to ask yourself how can you best develop YOUR physique rather than assuming powerlifting is a cure all.

I think under this heading we can also discuss the rep ranges that are typically used in both powerlifting and bodybuilding. As we know volume is one of the most important variables when it comes to both strength and hypertrophy (and no it isn't the only variable). The lower rep ranges and heavy loads required in powerlifting typically mean that you have to perform more sets with more rest in between to achieve equivalent volume to what could be achieved with a moderate - high rep range. In other words training with a tendency for low reps/heavy weight most of the time is a less efficient means to achieve hypertrophy (it can be done but it means you will spend longer in the gym). This is something to keep in mind if you have physique related goals as a priority.

3. Coaches or other bodybuilders that you follow are also powerlifters

Again this is not a reason to choose to do something unless you also have a specific interest in it. Do something because you have passion for it, not because someone else does it even if you look up to them. Learn to develop yourself as an individual instead of trying to copy others. Don't be a sheep.

4. You just don't like lifting heavy or prefer other exercises/training styles

Adherence and consistency with a training program is hugely important for progression no matter that your goal is. If you plain don't like doing what you are doing then why are you doing it? Lifting heavy is not for everyone even though some may suggest you are a "pussy" or something along those lines for not wanting to lift heavy or if you prefer other exercises to squats and deadlifts. In my opinion that kind of attitude is fostered through insecurity and excessive ego. Not everyone has to train in the same way and if you dislike lifting heavy or you just plain hate squatting or deadlifting then you don't have to (and whilst all those things are great you can still achieve champion level results without them by the way). Stand up for yourself, be an individual, train intelligently in a way that helps you progress towards your goals in a manner that you enjoy (at least to some degree).

5. Injury

This may apply to bodybuilding to some degree as well but if you have a specific acute or chronic injury that prevents you temporarily or permanently from squatting, bench pressing or deadlifting then you may need to re think things (at least for a while). These movements carry a larger risk than other exercises do and since (other than some assistance/accessory work) powerlifting consists of only these three exercises it doesn't give you much room to move in some cases.

Why Not Both?

So I'm sure you are thinking why not just incorporate both styles of training and get the best of both worlds? This is indeed what many people are doing as they have a genuine interest in both. I don't see a problem with doing this as long as you have created specific, prioritised goals for yourself and have a training program which will assist you in achieving those goals. If you are a bodybuilder 1st and a powerlifter 2nd and your program is 90% squats, bench and deadlifts then you might need to reassess your training. Likewise if your priority is powerlifting it doesn't make sense to be doing a huge amount of accessory work but hardly putting any focus on the main lifts. Get your priorities and goals in order and have progressive training which reflects this and you are more likely to succeed in your chosen discipline(s).

Final Thought

I think both bodybuilding and powerlifting are interesting and enjoyable sports in their own rights. I just think a little more thought and direction needs to be placed behind why we do what we do. That and a lot of passion.

- Evan

Thursday 18 September 2014

Contest Prep Week 25

Week 25 Overview
This week has been up and down in terms of energy. Some days I've felt like death dragging myself around the gym like a zombie and other days I've felt below average but still reasonable. It just goes to show no matter what your calories are we are all going to feel pretty crap when we get to the end of a contest prep and those low levels of body fat.

We made a change this week which was actually to up protein. The reason behind this is that my body fat levels are getting down there and my lean muscle tissue is now more at risk of atrophy. So this was a counter move to help stop or minimise that. It has slowed down my rate of weight loss which was quite rapid last week but it has not stopped my fat loss.

Training this week has been good for the most part. My performance on major and accessory lifts has been maintaining well ie strength not dropping. I am injury free at the moment and intend to attempt to continue to train smart, not be a PR hero and remain injury free for the rest of prep. The only negative would have to be lows in energy most days but I'm just trying to manage that with good pre workout nutrition.


This week's progress has been solid. As I mentioned my rate of weight loss slowed a little as the result of increasing my protein intake. However I did get leaner especially through the lower body and this was apparent visually. See photos below:

Overall I am happy with where I am now and where I am heading. Thankyou to everyone for the continued support.

Remember you can contact me for coaching via the following avenues:

Email -
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Instagram and Twitter - @evansoooon

Until next time

- Evan

Thursday 11 September 2014

Contest Prep Week 24

Week 24

Wow, I am now officially coming to the close of week 24 of my contest prep. That is 6 months of dieting! At this point even though things are starting to get difficult I really have to stop, appreciate where I am and be proud of how far I have come so far (or smell the roses as Jeff Alberts would say). Things are getting close now as I'm just over 4 weeks out from my warm up show and I know that phenomenal things lie ahead for me.

Weekly Summary

As I mentioned this part of the prep is starting to get a bit hard. My energy is down most of the time when training. I've even felt a little light headed at times but the changes I'm seeing are spurring me on to keep pushing forward. My lower back was re-injured when I was performing a set of dumbbell shrugs last Friday. However it has gotten much better since then and I'm happy to say I'm now completely pain free. Of course I'm being cautious and intelligent with my training, am continuing to stretch and am doing some core strengthening to assist in preventing a recurrence. Dumbbell shrugs I'm replacing with smith machine shrugs for safety right now (especially in terms of picking up and putting down the heavy dumbbells). Just as a side note - isn't it funny how everyone bags out the smith machine but it's actually quite useful for numerous things and especially so when one is injured! Just because an exercise isn't a free weight squat, bench or deadlift it doesn't mean it cannot be very effective for hypertrophy and strength development.

TrainingTraining this week has been going well. The new program Berto has me running is plodding along nicely. I think this training style is super appropriate for me at the moment in terms of both injury prevention, putting volume on the lifts where it is required, removing it from where it isn't and not having me lift at intensities which may hamper my recovery which is limited. Each day I have a target for sets, reps and weight which I hit for three of my major lifts, so I just do that and then I move onto my accessory work. I'm not really trying to hit PR's at this time although I do sometimes hit them for accessory lifts at the moment as I don't have the other big lifts fatiguing me as much prior.


Right now I'm more or less being forced into "clean eating". I do still manage a dessert each night but it's more a bit of sugary stuff with some low calorie topping most of the time as fats are limited. I really look forward to my refeed days at the moment which are every fourth day. Every time I feel like I'm about to collapse I have a refeed day to save me lol.

Progress has been exceptional this week. I've lost approximately 1 kg over a 7 day period and become significantly leaner all over. Things are looking promising. See photos below:

Future Plans
A good friend asked me this week what I intend to do after my shows are over. Whilst I am very, very focused on achieving in what I am doing in the here and now I still have a reasonably clear picture of what I will be doing in the future. I intend to have a short break after my last show and then head into a reverse diet leading into the offseason. I intend to remain under the guidance of Alberto Nunez of 3DMJ and work with him on (a) first and foremost recovery from the prep, (b) nutritional strategies and weight control, (c) improving relative weak points in my physique which I have a good idea of but which I will reassess post show and discuss with him, (d) work on getting stronger in particular lifts gradually for the purpose of hypertrophy (no you won't see me on the powerlifting platform any time soon since I am clearly capable of setting goals post show which don't involve straying from my area of passion - natural bodybuilding!). With that in mind looking forward I do not see this as my last ever contest season. I think I've probably got a few more in me and I have more improvements to make regardless of how high or low I place this year. However I most likely will not be competing in 2015 as I want to have some off season time for 2 - 3 years again both to make improvements and just to enjoy myself without specific time frames or pressure and allow more emphasis to be placed on other important areas of life. Anyhow I was quite happy when asked this question by my friend that I was immediately able to give a specific answer which tells me I do know where I am heading. I think that's a good thing ;) .

I hope you guys have enjoyed reading my ramblings again this week. If you want to contact me for coaching you can do so via any of the following methods:

Email -
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Facebook -
Instagram and Twitter - @evansoooon

Until next time. Soon....

- Evan

Thursday 4 September 2014

Contest Prep Weeks 22 and 23

Blogman Returns

This entry will cover both week 22 and 23 of my contest prep. At the point of writing this I am just over 10 weeks out from my major show which is the WNBF World Championships.

How it's Going

Contest prep is going well. I am sitting at a good place for 10 weeks out right now. I'm feeling a little hungry. Berto had me reduce my fat intake to 30 - 35 grams per day which basically means no more pizzas or take away food at all as I simply can't fit it and I think it's about the right time to begin to avoid those foods anyway just for the sake of consistency and accuracy more than anything. Rest assured I will continue to consume a dessert each day to some degree (more carb dense options and diet friendly options too). That will continue at least for now. At some point hunger is likely to take over and I will want to simply use those extra carbs to consume more volume in my food. In fact that is beginning to happen already to some degree as my hunger levels are rising. Luckily I'm refeeding every 4th day which is making things slightly easier.


Last week I was kind of doing my own training split. I had some questions about the new DUP plan that I wanted to ask my coach before I jumped blindly into it and having sorted that out and been satisfied with the explanations I began the program this week. The program has me hitting 3 major lifts each day (squat, deadlift, bench, OHP, row) at reduced intensities. The idea is increased frequency, reduced intensity/volume per day which I feel is exactly what my body needs now getting down to these lower calories and levels of body fat. Most of my volume is focussed on squats and bench because those are the lifts which I have struggled the most to maintain during prep. Volume on the other lifts have taken a small hit but I should have no trouble maintain mass and strength on those stronger body parts especially considering all the accessory work I do. I am handling my own accessory lifts of which I do plenty and have decided to complete most of them in the 8 - 12 rep range (well mostly around 8s lol). So far I'm very much enjoying the new program and am benefiting from the training style so far. We shall see what results this will bring both during contest prep and onward into the offseason. I believe we plan to run this for the next 6 - 8 months.

An Injury

Injuries always happen at the worst of times. In this case my lower back flared up (whilst picking a sock up from the floor of all things). To be fair previous to the injury I had just finished a fairly long block of higher intensity which involved a lot of heavy squats and deadlifts. So that is likely what predisposed me to this. After a few weeks of discomfort I saw my physio for some treatment which improved the problem to about 90%. Unfortunately on Monday of this week the other side of my lower back flared up with exactly the same symptoms during a training session. I had to take anti-inflammatories for two days but strangely I was able to continue training with minimal discomfort. Today I had another treatment which seems to have more or less restored normal movement and relieved my pain - I was able to train completely pain free this afternoon which is promising. I will most likely return for another treatment next week just to make sure everything is ok (touch wood). Until then I will be performing some prescribed stretches for some tight muscles. If the worst case occurs and things do go sour I know that always have BFR training in my arsenal. For now though the training that I'm doing at reduced intensities is actually a God send because my form is close to perfect and there is less risk of the injury recurring.


I thought I might include a few questions that I hear frequently both in the gym and on social media. I figure I can just send people here instead of constantly answering the same things. Here goes:

Question: What are your macros?
Answer: Currently 260 P, 350 C, 35 F and refeed at 240 P, 450 C, 35 F every 4th day

Question: How many weeks until your show(s)?
Answer: I am just over 10 weeks out from my final show and I am also 8 and 9 weeks out from two other major pro shows I intend to do.

Question: How much do you weigh right now?
Answer: This morning I weighed 92.3 kg (203 lbs)

Question: How tall are you?
Answer: I am 186 cm (6 ft 1)

Question: What are the macros of X specific food you are eating?
Answer: Look it up!

Question: Where did you get X specific food?
Answer: If it isn't sold in Australia one of my American friends may have sent it to me in a care package

Progress Photos Week 22

As you can see here glutes and hamstrings are starting to come in, as well as the quads. The lower body is always the last place for me to lose as it is for many people.

Progress Photos Week 23

A little bit of progress since last week. Side glutes are coming in more and more each week. Slow and steady wins the race.

On Sunday I judged (alongside Adam Cooke the 2013 Overall Champ) and guest posed at the WNBF NSW Titles. Deanne Murphy did a good job of running the show. A few up and coming competitors were on stage including Johnny Vong and Jay Blakely who were both very impressive. The overall was taken out by Paul (unsure of his last name) who also placed first in the novice and bantamweight divisions. I want to shout out to my client Kevin Vo for competing in his very first show as I know he found the contest prep grueling to say the least but he pushed through it anyway and that is a great achievement for him.

The guest posing went well. I think I looked a little flat because I felt a little stressed, hadn't slept well and it was a low day. Considering that I still got a reasonable pump. Tracy Schembri from Bare Mystique had me covered for tan (see photos) and I think she did a great job. In terms of the day overall it was great to catch up with Adam and the 4 coaches from NPS Ryan, Joey, Aaron and Chris, as well as a couple of clients and friends. Thankyou to everyone who came out to support myself and all the competitors.

Here are a few photos from back stage and on stage.

A little on judging shows

*Gets on soap box*

I have to say something that I would like to see improved (not only at WNBF shows) but competitions in general is the quality of judging. We need judges who lift, who have competed before, who are experienced, who know the criteria and exactly what they are looking for. Too many times have I been sitting in the audience at shows and been shocked at the placings, as in my pet cat could have placed the competitors with more accuracy than some of the judging I have witnessed at times. If you are judging a state or national level show I would suggest watching some of the IFBB pro shows. They are usually more difficult to pick the top 5 (especially at the Arnold or Olympia). If you can get at least close to picking the top 5 accurately when watching one of those shows and you can give me the specific reasons why you placed those competitors the way you did then you will easily be able to judge a state or even a national level natural show with competency. Do your homework, because competitors put in a shitload of work to get on stage and they deserve to be judged accurately.

*Gets off soap box*.

Until next time

- Evan