Tuesday 26 August 2014

Contest Prep Week 21

Ok I am now 21 weeks into my contest prep for the WNBF Pro World Championships (well 21.5 weeks as I write this). That means I am now just 6.5 weeks out from my warm up show should I decide to do it and 9.5, 10.5 and 11.5 weeks away from my major pro shows. So realistically there isn't much time to go, but I'm sitting in a good place at the moment.

Right now I'm feeling pretty reasonable actually. My mood is focused but good, my hunger levels are not exceedingly high (granted for the most part I am making food choices to increase volume), training performance is still pretty good for most lifts and in general I'm just enjoying the process. I have a feeling that we are about to start digging a bit deeper though, at least that is what coach Nunez tells me anyhow.


My training has been going pretty well up to this point. Week 21 was a deload week which was quite timely as the weekend prior I hurt my lower back bending over to pick up a sock from the floor of all things. It was following a leg session but I didn't feel anything at all whilst I was actually training. Anyhow it has been sore in the morning ever since (though surprisingly better as the day goes on and pretty reasonable during training). The deload was definitely a good thing considering the circumstances but I am going to see my physiotherapist this week for some treatment because it isn't recovering as fast as I'd hoped and I don't want to risk it getting worse.

Alberto sent me a new training program this week. It is a DUP (daily undulating periodisation) program based on the following lifts: squat, bench press, deadlift, OHP, row with the option for different squat variations eg low bar, high bar, front squat. Intensities are reduced to anywhere from 65 - 90 % of normal loads, hitting 3 lifts each day with reduced daily volume but increased frequency over a five day period. Accessory lifts of choice are also included in the program. I like the general structure of the program and I think it would be a good way to progressively add weekly volume over time. I also like that the structure allows for emphasis to be placed where it is needed (and taken from where it perhaps isn't). Additionally the frequency of the lifts means you get a lot of practice for each of them and therefore theoretically you become more efficient at performing them. I'll admit though that this kind of program is not my typical "style" as I am more of a pure bred bodybuilder and whilst this program is for hypertrophy it is a little bit closer to a powerlifting type program to what I am used to.


As I said earlier I think I am sitting in a very good place for being ~ 12 weeks out from Worlds. Upper body is more or less in at this point. The lower body still requires more time to come in from both the front and back but progress is gradually occurring on a weekly basis. I have a lot of my poses down but I need to start setting aside some time for specific posing practice soon to really polish my presentation. See below for progress photos from this past week.

Refeed Day

This week I decided to take photos of every bit of food I consumed on my refeed. I hadn't had a refeed for 11 days before this so it was long overdue and I was definitely looking forward to it. No not all of it is wholesome but that's half the point. See photos below:

Kanga Bangas (kangaroo sausages) on toast and 100 grams of banana for breakfast

WNBF NSW Titles Reminder

This Sunday the 31st I will be guest posing at the WNBF NSW titles at Castle Hill RSL. I hope to see some of you there supporting natural bodybuilding. Good luck to all competitors.

Follow Me

Remember if you want to keep up to date with my prep or what I am up to you can always follow me on social media.

Facebook - www.facebook.com/MuscleAcademy
Instagram and Twitter - @evansoooon
Website - www.muscleacademy.com.au

For personalised coaching and contest preparation services email evansmuscleacademy@gmail.com

- Evan

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